MP3300iec is a compact machine controller with 4, 8 or 20 axes of synchronized control.
IEC Programming Environment and Controller-Centric Commissioning using MECHATROLINK-III motion network
One software platform
* MotionWorks IEC, allows efficient programming and handling of applications within a standard IEC 61131-3 environment
* Advanced camming and gearing functions
* The MECHATROLINK-III open Ethernet based motion network (100 Mbps) enables machine configuration from a single location with one software tool. Using self-tuning abilities of a servo system commissioning time is greatly reduced.
* Open standards EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP to connect to many HMI and PLC in the market
* The controller can operate local amplifier outputs. This reduces panel cost and space requirements when just a couple of outputs are necessary.
* Libraries enable importation of previously developed logic